General Manager
Scott Goldman
Artistic Associate & Director of Community Outreach
Laiona Michelle
Director of Development
Jacqueline Brendel
Development Associate
Haley Kisly
Finance & Administration
Director of Finance
Ganapathi Kamath
Administrative Manager / Board Liaison
Megan Cherry
Business Assistant
Lynne Holton
Marketing & Customer Experience
Director of Marketing & Customer Experience
Jason Paddock
Marketing Manager
Danny Decker
VIP Sales Manager
Michelle Dorant
Tessitura Manager
Vannesa Hamilton
Customer Experience Supervisor
Rose Curran
Assistant Patron Services Manager
Gary Frangione
Patron Services Associate
Susan Blumert
Patron Services Associate
Jessica Pace
Patron Services Associate
Marlene Zyontz
Production Manager
Christopher Bailey
Assistant Production Manager
Billy Goheen
Company Manager
Sal Fabio
Technical Director
Mohamed Haddara
Assistant Technical Director
Dori Lichter
Patrick Wellman
Scenic Charge
Jim Hancocks
Properties Supervisor
Robert Lavagno
Costume Shop Manager
Joleen Addleman Lloyd
Assistant Costume Shop Manager
Becky Erlitz
Wardrobe Supervisor
Rachel Pollard